The most beautiful Ama Dablam

Long treks put you in a unique mindset, tranquil, lonely but vividly aware of your surroundings. And that is when you start to see the beauty of everything surrounding you - mountains, springs, yaks, marmots, pines. Because you slow down and soak in, you see the same thing with multiple perspectives, again and again.

Beautiful peaks hold a special place in our imagination. They stand as sentinels of time, guarding eternity as we blip across them. Every time I have encountered one - El Chalten, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Denali, Torres Del Paine – I have been mesmerized by their permanent beauty. I had heard about this beautiful peak that stays on the right-hand side as you trek to the Everest Base Camp and therefore was anticipating the encounter as we were planning the trek. Little did I know that reality will be so much more beautiful than pictures can ever show.

Ama Dablam is a big mountain that sits between Namche Bazaar and the Everest Base Camp and the trek kind of goes around the left side of the mountain. It's not an incredibly tall peak considering the other giants in this region, it stands 6,856 mts tall. But that allows amazing visibility of the peak nearly all the time as you navigate around it. As you slowly move around the trail, you encounter different views and facets of the peak - sparkling snow-covered peaks in the morning to a mound of gold in the setting evening sun. The unique stocky shape of the peak is also in contrast with the other pointier ones and probably another reason why it gets etched in your memory. And in that sense, it is really the friend you make on this trek. A beautiful giant that stands out from others and stays with you.