view of the world through the lens of my camera. Sometimes a unique perspective sometimes a cliched view. Techniques that I picked over the years, got good at some of them and some I still struggle with. Ephemeral things about photography that excite me – light, motion, elapsing time and the fact that a scene once captured will never repeat again.



with me to places that have left an imprint on me. I visited some of them for work, some for fun, some were planned and some just lucky coincidence. All of them left me with indelible memories to last a lifetime and kindled the spark for the next adventure. Many have stories and some are without, but pictures tell a thousand words and hopefully will inspire a thousand journeys.



at things that puzzle, amuse or intrigue. Some random thoughts, some hopefully insightful. A general collection for meandering ideas which are somehow linked to a worldview hammered through the impermanence of an immigrant's life. Also, some whimsical experiments that shape Lens and Atlas over time, which by itself is an experiment.



or not so wholesome but always lip smacking. Recipes and tastes that are shaped and reshaped through the journeys, sometime becoming new sometime yearning for the authenticity of its roots. Some born out of memories, some recreated through interpretations of half understood instructions from books, YouTube or a quick phone call.



me? Maybe a little. But also about Oslo, he is more exciting.
