Sandeep Roy

"He was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher... or, as his wife would have it, an idiot.”

That quote by the brilliant Douglas Adams kind of sums up a lot about me. I live with a particular worldview resulting from moving across, living and working in three continents, ten countries and cities that I have lost count of. Layer on that the travels to countries that we took as a family, my love for food, coffee and beer (definitely not in that order) and most importantly some amazing books that have played a significant role in shaping that worldview. Sometimes I feel that humans probably have the most need to keep moving and exploring the next big thing. It can be a simple move to the next city for college or taking an interplanetary mission to Mars. That quest is my North Star. Travel and photography have been a passion for a significant part of my adult life. That is how I came up with the idea for Lens and Atlas to bring these two together and share them with the world. A little background and interest in coding and design helped in bringing this vision to life through this website which is completely hand coded (no templates, tools or packages). I still consider myself to be a learner and I try to dedicate a lot of my free time, which is always hard to find, to travel, photography and this site. I look forward to interacting with you on the social channels of Lens and Atlas or you can reach directly through the Contact link.